Monday, April 16, 2007

4/16 -- the Agape Singers have landed......

For those following the exploits of our intrepid travelers -- they returned home to Rochester Hills, Michigan USA tonight after their non-stop Aer Lingus flight from Dublin to Chicago O'Hare - and then the final leg on American Airlines to Detroit Metro Airport.

They had quite a welcoming party there to greet them at the end of this wonderful journey.

Be sure and keep our blog bookmarked and check back in the coming days. We'll have even more pictures and information about the sights, sounds, music, people, experiences that everyone on the "God's Love On Tour - Ireland 2007" experienced.

We continue to welcome any and all comments on this post, or email your comments to

As Carol Portice would say (and it's so applicable at the end of this trip): "Grace and Peace."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone,

I'm so glad to hear that you have returned safely from your trip. My guess is that the first thing that you will be doing is catching up on your sleep.

I'm sure that I'm not alone in looking forward to hearing about your experiences and seing the pictures you took in Ireland.

You have been followed each day on the blog and I want to thank the "Blog Master" for making this posible.